Roy Fields

  • 3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Have A Screen Repair Service Repair Your Screens

    If you have an issue with one or more of your window screens, you are going to have quite a few negative side effects. While you may not think of your window screen as being something that is highly important, it most definitely is. Your window screen was custom made to fit your window for a reason, and it serves a great deal of purposes. However, when the window screen isn't in the proper condition, it isn't going to be able to perform correctly. [Read More]

  • 2 Kinds Of Countertops

    If you are going to get new countertops in your kitchen, you may be confused as to all the different choices out there. Odds are that if you are interested in it, someone has come up with an idea to make a counter out of it. So, what are some of the different choices and their benefits? Quartz Quartz countertops are generally made out of engineered quartz. Engineered quartz is manmade versus natural quartz which would have to be mined. [Read More]

  • Shade Plants: What To Do When Your Garden Plants Keep Wilting

    Do your garden plants keep wilting under the heat? When garden plants wilt, it's usually because of both sun and heat. Not many plants are a full sun variety, and even these can experience wilting during temperature extremes. During the summer and fall months especially, it becomes necessary to offer some shade to plants. But that might not be as easy as it sounds; you also need to be able to remove the shade for sun as needed. [Read More]

  • Best Methods for Getting Those Curtains Clean

    When it comes to choosing a window treatment, curtains have much more variety in the way of style and patterns to choose from than blinds. Cleaning them, however, requires a bit more care. Whether you follow a strict cleaning schedule, or you notice that your curtains are starting to look a little dingy, it is best to utilize one of the methods below to get your drapes looking like new again. [Read More]

  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Caring For Your Countertops

    Installing stone countertops is one of the best things you can do for your kitchen. They hold their value, they are durable, and they look great. Many homeowners and potential homebuyers want stone countertops, so you can be confident that when it comes time to sell, you will get your money back for what you put into them. Here are some things that you need to know about caring for your stone countertops. [Read More]

  • Picture Framing

    It's common for people to use picture frames for their important or memorable photos, paintings, or documents. Why choose to frame a picture? There are several good reasons. First, framing protects the picture. Usually, a layer of glass or acrylic material covers the picture, and it is kept flat and unwrinkled within the frame. Framing might save an important painting or photo from being bent or misshapen, or from a spill that would otherwise ruin it. [Read More]

  • How To Clean And Refurbish Vintage Metal Patio Furniture

    If you recently inherited some vintage metal patio furniture that has clearly seen better days, then you will be pleased to know that in just a couple days, you can refurbish it and make it look brand new again. Follow these steps to clean and refurbish your vintage patio furniture like a professional furniture restorer. Step 1: Rinse off the Patio Furniture with Your Garden Hose Before you begin to refurbish your patio furniture, first you should remove any surface dirt by washing it off with your garden hose. [Read More]

  • A Few Basic Questions Regarding Natural Stone Tiles New Homeowners May Need Answered

    Stone tile can be a great flooring option for homeowners that are wanting a beautiful material that will have the durability needed to last for many years. In order to make sure your tiles are kept in the best condition possible, there are several basic questions that you will want to know when it concerns the basics of tile care and maintenance. What Happens If Natural Stone Tiles Are Not Properly Maintained? [Read More]

  • 3 DIY Methods For Repelling And Removing Bed Bugs

    A bed bug infestation can easily get out of hand if you don't take action quickly to get rid of these pests. While the creases and corners of beds are the most popular hiding places for bed bugs, they can easily transfer to clothing, carpet, and other pieces of furniture in your home. Here are three DIY methods that you can use to prevent bed bugs from overrunning your home. [Read More]

  • Got Bedbugs From Traveling? How To Eradicate Them From Your Home

    If you arrived home from your last vacation with some unwanted guests from your hotel stay, then you will be happy to learn that you can eradicate them from your home. While getting rid of a bed bug infestation is not simple, quick, nor easy, with some persistence and effort, you can remove all of them from your family's living space in a reasonable amount of time. Use this process to locate and eradicate the bed bugs that traveled home with you from your vacation: [Read More]